Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Excel Great Help & Resources

What are the Best Excel Links on the Web?

There’s a TON here in this list. And a DOUBLE-TON in the comments section. So look around.
And if you have some ideas that you think we may have missed, feel free to add them in the comments section.

Entertainment & Competitions

  • Excel.TV – 20 Episodes a Year. This TV show is taped LIVE. Guests include Excel experts, Trainers and website owners. The show includes Excel Tips & News.
  • Excel SUMO – Spreadsheet solutions go head to head in combat for fame and prizes
  • Financial Modeling World Championship – Excel financial modelers compete against the best in the WORLD.


  • Mr Excel – No list is complete without this guy. One of the biggest Excel sites on the web and author of many Excel books.
  • Contextures – Debra Dalgleish is your host. Site is known many things including a very robust tutorial on drop down menus.
  • Excel Guru – Ken Puls does a great job at this popular site. Forum, knowledge base, etc. Plus a Pivot Table Course.
  • Chandoo – The pointy-haired Dilbert. Great site for Excel training, Excel Dashboards, and Project Management Templates


  • Magic of Pivot Tables – Excel Guru – At one time, I lost out in a “competition” that Ken was having where the prize was a copy of this training. Yep… I lost. Ken felt bad for me and gave me a copy anyways. LOVED IT. This is a one hour video course that comes with sample files, an e-book and an immediate download. This link takes you to an Excel 2010 Class.. but he also has them for 2007 and 2003. Check it out.
  • ExcelHero – Daniel Ferry’s site. From dashboards… to VBA.
  • Chandoo’s Training – Classes from Excel School, to VBA, to Dashboards
  • myOnlineTraininghub – an extensive excel blog and is packed with training materials for Excel, Word, and Outlook.

Excel Help Forums

  • Excel Forum – This is a large forum site. If you type “Excel Help” into your web search engine, this site will show up.
  • Ozgrid.com – This is a very robust forum with links to lots of templates. Also allows you to post excel tasks for programmers to bid on.
  • Mr Excel Message Board – I am typing this on a Sunday and there are 1,000 people on his forum. Its big :)
  • Excel Guru FORUM – Ken asks… Why go anywhere else? Come learn from the GURUs
  • Excel & Charting FORUM – by Chandoo
  • VBAExpress – Dedicated to all the VBA Nerds – my people :)

Discussion Groups


  • CPearson- Ready to be impressed? then overwhelmed? and then impressed again? Sure… why not? Then head on over to Chip Pearson’s site and click the menu button titled “Topic Index”. When it comes to VBA… the site has a TON to offer.
  • Beyond Excel – In the words of primary contributor Craig Hatmaker, “Beyond Excel is a free “cookbook approach” to extending Excel with VBA. Practical solutions are offered instead of abstract theory.” I could spend day after day on this site. Even the resources page is a gold mine. Bookmark this page.
  • Andy Pope – VBA Coding techniques, solutions and examples
  • Option Explicit VBA – A blog of Excel, Dashboards, Visual Basic for Applications, Data Analysis, Operations Research, and Visualizations.
  • VBA Express – VBA Forum, Knowledge Base, Articles… All VBA All the Time
  • Erlandsen Data Consulting – Tips about Excel and VBA programming
  • VBA4Play – Cary Walkin Blog with Guest Posts by Jordan Goldmeier of OptionExplicitVBA.com. This is a Enormously Detailed and Cool tutorial on VBA. This is a MUST See. Video Games in Excel. Check it out.
    • UPDATE: I did a video review of Cary Walkin’s video game that was built entirely in an Excel Spreadsheet. Here is the Review


  • PowerPivotPro – Rob Collie was one of the founding engineers behind PowerPivot at Microsoft during his 14 year career in Redmond. He offers classes to get you up to speed on PowerPivot. This site is the center of the PowerPivot Universe (outside of Redmond, or course)
  • SQLBI – These guys – Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari (awesome name :) ) – write the books you read. Several books and online PowerPivot classes.
  • The Great PowerPivot FAQ – Loaded with content from all the thought leaders on PowerPivot. Bookmark this page.
  • Javier Guillen – PowerPivot and SSAS Blog
  • Dick Moffat’s Spreadsheet BLOG – Recommended by Winston Snyder. PowerPivot, BI, etc. This BLOG hits on a lot of topics that I like.


  • Excel TV – This is a Google Hangout Series that I host along with Jordan Goldmeier and Oz du Soleil. Complete with Interview, Excel Challenges and News
  • ExcelIsFun – Over 2,000 videos on Excel. Mike Girvin is the host and he does a great job
  • Bill Jelen – 2 minute video tip about excel every weekday
  • Contextures – Over 6,000 subscribers. Lots of tutorials.
  • ExcelVBAIsFun – One of the more common questions I hear in Discussion Groups is “Where can I learn VBA for FREE” … ANSWER… errr.. here! at ExcelVBAIsFun Youtube Channel


  • Excel Translator – Mourad Louha has put together a handy site for all those doing international work. Type in your function, along with your source and target language and have the formula translated. Handy tool.
  • Peltier Tech – Jon Peltier has some great tips and Excel Utilities. I have used his “Magic Quadrant” tips several times in my own consulting.
  • Spreadsheet Page – John Walkenback’s site. Mostly known as an author. I recently purchased his VBA book. Very good. But he also has several utilities that you can purchase on his site.
  • Name Manager by JKP – Range Names made easy. Utility to manage defined names in workbooks
  • Data Pig Dashboard Add-in and Data Pig Excel Explosion – Slick Add-in from the PIG.
  • Add-In Express – Development tools to create various extensions for Excel and other Office applications.
  • Ablebits.com -
  • SpreadsheetGuys – Several Products & Templates
  • ASAP Utilities for Excel – PC Magazine called ASAP Utilities “the one essential add-in for all Excel users” in its 2005 Ultimate Utility Guide and rated ASAP Utilities 5 stars: their maximum rating. Kees Jacobs (in the comment section) notes that it is Free for Home & Students


  • Daily Dose of Excel – A great place to get regular updates and tips
  • RAD Excel – MVP Colin Legg’s site. Updated regularly. Focus on VBA.
  • Bacon Bits – Mike Alexander’s site. This blog supports the Data Pig Technologies site (see utilities section above). This is actually a good read. Entertaining. In today’s post, he has a cartoon from the Oatmeal. I laughed and almost posted it on FB. :)
  • Mr Excel Blog – Where Mr Excel keeps his podcasts and commentary.
  • Debra’s Contextures Blog – Regularly updated tips and tricks.
  • Ken’s Excel Guru BLOG – Hey… He even mentioned me one time. So it’s gotta be a good read :)
  • Excel Blog – myOnlineTrainingHub – Philip and Mynda Treacy add content to this Excel BLOG at least weekly
  • Chandoo’s Blog – Chandoo adds to this BLOG several times a week.
  • SmittyPro – Excel MVPs Chris (Smitty) Smith & Zack Barresse have put up some helpful posts on Forms, Data Validation, VBA, etc..
  • DataProse – Your host Winston Snyder notes that his blog is “Heavy on Excel and VBA, but wide open to anything related to data, information, business intelligence and data visualization.”
  • Excel Tables – Excel MVP Zack Barresse expands on his book Excel Tables: A Complete Guide for Creating, Using, and Automating Lists and Tables – with this website and blog dedicated to Tips and Tricks with Excel Tables. Tap into an Excel MVP Author by visiting this BLOG
  • ExcelJet – Dave and Lisa Bruns provide resources to help you work faster and more confidently in Excel.

Tips & Articles

  • Ron de Bruin – Tips and Tricks. Including a section on Excel for Mac
  • Decision Models – Articles Tips & Tricks. Especially for speeding up spreadsheets.
  • JKP Excel Articles – Articles Tips & Tricks from Jan Karel Pieterse
  • xlDynamic – Bob Philips site for Excel and VBA Tips. Also several utilities that you should check out


  • Vertex42 – Jon Wittwer founded this site back in 2003 and it now stands as a nexus for all things TEMPLATE. Most templates are free. Check it out
  • ExcelUser – There are lots of decent Template sites on the web, but ExcelUser dominates. If you go to many of the sites listed above and look at the templates in the margin… they point back to ExcelUser.
  • Project & Portfolio Management – Chandoo makes some cool looking templates :)
  • BusinessSpreadsheets.com – High End VBA-Driven Business Templates
  • Spreadsheet123.com – Ultimate Guide to the World of Excel Templates
  • ExcelDashboardTemplates.com – The title says it all. This site seems to be updated daily and includes FRIDAY CHALLENGES where a question is offered and you are given the opportunity to submit creative solutions.

Charts & Graphics

  • E90E50charts – WOW. This is a really cool site. Many of the graphs they have here I didn’t even think were possible. As an added bonus, they let you download the files. Really cool site to expand you mind on what is possible with Excel.
  • Peltier Tech
  • Tushar-Mehta
  • Andy Pope – Excel charting techniques, solutions and examples
  • ExcelCharts.com – Best practices for effective excel charts in the corporate environment
  • Clearly and Simply – This blog is providing showcases, dashboards, tools, techniques and templates. Most of the posts will come with example files or templates for free download.

In Many Languages

  • EXCELGAARD – English and Danish (for the Vikings).
  • Excel-Inside – German. Excel Author and Expert Alois Eckl’s site.
  • Monsieur Excel – French. — (those who can read French — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • Lasakovi.com – Czech. Compilation site. — (those who can read Czech — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • ExcelForum.pl – Polish. Possibly the largest Polish Excel Forum — (those who can read Polish— let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • Apocotenexcel.pl – Polish. — (those who can read Polish — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • VBATools.pl – Polish. Excel MVP — (those who can read Polish — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • ExcelWorld.ru – Russian. Excel MVP — (those who can read Russian — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • ExcelTip.ru – Russian. — (those who can read Russian — let me know what you think in the comments section)
  • WimGielis.be – Belgium. Excel MVP — ( – Run by Excel MVP Wim Gielis)

The MotherShip

Other Excel Help Resource Pages

Well… what did you think? Did I miss anything? If so, please leave me a comment, I would like to keep this list as updated as possible — So if you have a personal favorite, let me know and I will review it.  Also, you can click here for the most complete list of Excel Books on the planet.  They are categorized by function and recommended by some of the biggest excel gurus around.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    My Name is Harpal Singh and I am from India and I just came across your resource page " http://tipsformsexcel.blogspot.com/2015/04/excel-great-help-resources.html" where I found the useful stuff for the excel learners.

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